Victory! We Did It
November 30, 2014
For the fourth year in a row, Coffee Lunch Coffee’s “modified” participation in National Novel Writing Month has been a success! Though we didn’t stick to the exact NaNoWriMo rules of the game (we should have written 50,000 words (it was only 18,871 words)… in novel format (it was a series of 30 blog posts instead)), with your help, we posted everyday despite some rather challenging circumstances this particular year. I couldn’t have done it without the support and enthusiasm of a very engaged CLC Community, an extensive series of guest bloggers who propped up the entire effort and a super wonderful family who continuously cheered me on! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!
One important lesson I have learned this month is, even in the face of adversity, even when you don’t think you can… YOU CAN! Especially when you are willing to ask for help – and, sometimes, even when you are not. My commitment to all of you was a month full of new ideas, tips and thoughts on building meaningful, authentic Connections. I wasn’t sure I could deliver. You made sure I did. As I was personally pulled in many different directions this year, the CLC community gathered around and enveloped me in a warm embrace. It helped to keep me focused and determined. For my part, I did not want to let you down – I did not want to let myself down. When the going got tough, it was CLC that helped keep me directed. I’m beyond grateful.
As the 2015 finish line approaches, we all set ourselves for new beginnings. As you begin thinking about your New Year’s resolutions, set goals for yourself. However challenging they may seem, stay focused, seek the assistance of those around you, stay accountable to yourself and your community and go the distance.
CLC NaNoWriMo 2014 is officially complete. I hereby declare VICTORY for us all!