I Resolve…

I Resolve…

December 31, 2012

2013 is upon us!  Time to come up with our new year’s resolutions.  This year, let’s make a pact to stick to ‘em!  So, here are mine… hope you will adopt a few of them with me.

I RESOLVE… to connect with at least five new contacts every week.

I RESOLVE… to re-connect with at least five established contacts every week.

I RESOLVE… to connect at least two contacts to one another every week.

I RESOLVE… to add value wherever I can, remembering that networking is not about me – it’s about us.

I RESOLVE… to dust off my LinkedIn profile and confirm that it is up to date.  I might even ask someone for a reference.

I RESOLVE… to offer at least one unsolicited LinkedIn recommendation each month for someone I admire.

I RESOLVE… to invite someone new in town to my home for a meal.  Maybe I can help them to plant roots.

I RESOLVE… to connect or reconnect with friends, old and new, in another city whenever I travel.

I RESOLVE… to follow through.

I RESOLVE… to continue to build the Coffee Lunch Coffee community in 2013.  Thank you all for your endless support.

If Coffee Lunch Coffee has been helpful, meaningful, useful to you in any way in 2012, please RESOLVE to share this link with at least one other person, RESOLVE to provide a brief review of the book on Amazon.com, RESOLVE to share your story on the CLC website by leaving a comment so that we all may continue to learn from one another in 2013.

Happy New Year!  Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy, peaceful and prosperous 2013.