Give a Little Love
February 14, 2013Ah, love is in the air! It’s that season… the “Hallmark Holiday” when we proclaim our adoration for one another. I’m not much for Valentine’s Day flowers and candy; while I appreciate them, I believe there are more authentic means of showing one another a little love. Not just for that special someone; it’s a good day to be sweet and show appreciation to others in general. And, so, here are a few ways to express your affection, Coffee Lunch Coffee style:
- You Buy the Coffee. Why not surprise the person behind you in line by paying for his/her coffee or meal? It’s happened to my husband twice over the past six months at Starbucks; I just saw something on Facebook – my cousin, Gloria, thanked the person in front of her in the drive-thru for paying for her $1.09 iced tea; my friend, Nancy, had this to say:
“My daughter Chloe and I love to surprise strangers behind us in line at the McDonald’s drive-thru by paying for their meal. Someone did it for us many years ago when she and I were driving through. It delighted us so much that we did it the next day, and we’ve been doing it periodically ever since. It’s a fun way to put a little sunshine in someone’s (and your own) day.”
- Applause. Next time you attend a play or a talk or a presentation, consider being the last one clapping. In a genuine, authentic way, be the one who applauds the loudest and the longest. Everyone loves the extra ovation!
- Hug it Out. Are you a hugger? Well, if so, why not aim to give the biggest, most enduring hug? You don’t have to crush the recipient or give such an extra-long hug that it gets weird… simply show them how much you care by giving them an honest-to-goodness bear hug… and, none of those fake collar bone bumps, please.
- Write a Review/Recommendation. There are many places for people to endorse one another. For example, for those of you who are LinkedIn users, one component of a complete LinkedIn profile is a set of at least three recommendations. The way that those recommendations get there is that he/she with the profile typically requests them from present and former clients, co-workers, teammates, fellow volunteers, etc. That said, one can always provide an unsolicited recommendation for someone with whom he/she has interacted and who deserves the kudos. Another example is to provide a book review on – it’s helpful to potential readers, it’s helpful to the author. Finally, you can always write a letter of recommendation… for a potential student trying to get into his/her first choice of undergraduate or graduate program, for a former colleague who is applying for a new position with another company, for a friend who is seeking a volunteer board opportunity with a local not-for-profit. The opportunity for endorsement is endless… seize the chance to show your appreciation and admiration for others who deserve such recognition.
- #FF. Do you Tweet? If you are any kind of Twitter user at all, you have no doubt seen messages that simply say “#FF” followed by a bunch of Twitter handles (well, a bunch so long as they fit into 140 characters or fewer!). “#FF” is a Twitter hashtag that stands for “Follow Friday” and is essentially a way to recommend others to follow on Twitter. For many people, Twitter is a means for promoting their ideas, businesses, opinions and they really appreciate when others endorse them. So, tomorrow, why not put out a #FF? If you need an idea of someone to #FF, try this: #FF @alanamuller for networking advice and thoughts on entrepreneurship!
- Call Your Mother. …or whoever it is that you really appreciate that you may or may not have talked with recently. Go on, give ‘em a call, let ‘em know how much you care.
And, if all else fails, flowers and candy work, too. Happy Valentine’s Day to the CLC community. I LOVE YOU!