Feeling Lucky?
March 17, 2015Happy St. Patrick’s Day! The beauty of a holiday like this is that anyone – and I mean anyone – who wishes to participate is invited to do so (in fact, the more, the merrier — everyone is Irish today), so I wish you the Luck of the Irish!
And, speaking of luck, the Irish may be the luckiest of the bunch, but, in truth, I believe we all make our own luck. Know someone who landed a big job? Wow, what a lucky guy. Know someone who made a huge sale? Such a lucky gal. But, looking back at the paths that landed them those gigs, I bet we’d find a trail of hard work, of people daring to be great, of taking risks, of believing they could make it happen… and so they did!
Sure, perhaps the cosmos and the phase of the moon and serendipity and, indeed, pure dumb luck, can play a role in achieving the seemingly unachievable, but being present, signing up, raising one’s hand can certainly have a hand in paving the way for that success. We make our own luck. Here’s how:
- Think BIG… then, think BIGGER!
- Visualize the outcome you desire.
- Consider the steps you must take to get there such as building block assignments (e.g. more junior level roles to help you cut your teeth and gain some experience), reading informational books and articles, taking the right classes, etc.
- CONNECT with others (my favorite!) who can help shape your perspective, provide insight, make additional connections to the “right people,” offer you internships, shawdowing opportunities and job prospects.
- Be prepared to help others – success is often built on generosity as in generosity begets generosity.
- Look for clues, opportunities and assignments… even the ones you may not have anticipated or even been searching for.
- Be open to new possibilities. You just never know.
- Be flexible, willing to adapt and iterate as necessary.
And, if all else fails, search for four-leaf clovers and try your luck!